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Open vs. Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery

The Rhinoplasty Clinic in Philadelphia, PAIf you’re considering a rhinoplasty procedure to enhance the shape, size, appearance or functionality of the nose, you’ve likely thought about the surgical techniques involved. While all rhinoplasty techniques offer limited scarring, there are two main approaches that patients need to understand. Below, we will explain the differences between open vs. closed rhinoplasty surgery.

Open Rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty could be considered a more traditional surgical approach. With open rhinoplasty, an incision is made along the columella – the piece of tissue that separates the nostrils. Once this incision is made, the surgeon has optimal access to the other structures of the nose. The open rhinoplasty technique will produce a small scar on the columella, but it fades with time and typically has very low visibility. Generally, the open rhinoplasty technique is used for more complicated or extensive surgeries, as it gives the surgeon better access to the nose.

Closed Rhinoplasty

A closed rhinoplasty involves no incision on the columella. Instead, any incisions are made on the inside of the nostrils. This means there is no visible scarring whatsoever after the procedure. Additionally, closed rhinoplasty may produce less swelling and bruising, offering patients a slightly improved recovery experience. However, the closed rhinoplasty technique has limited applications. It may not be suitable for more extensive rhinoplasty procedures, particularly revision rhinoplasties.

Is Open or Closed Rhinoplasty Right for Me?

When choosing between an open and closed rhinoplasty, you and your surgeon will have to consider a few different factors. First, you’ll have to consider your desired results. If you can achieve these results with the closed rhinoplasty technique, then the closed rhinoplasty may be the preferred option. After all, the closed rhinoplasty reduces scarring and improves the recovery experience. However, if your rhinoplasty requires a more complex treatment plan, then an open rhinoplasty may be the better option. While this may result in minor scarring and more swelling, it is important to select the surgical technique that will produce the best overall results.


At Providence Facial Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Ginsburg specializes in both open and closed rhinoplasty techniques. During your consultation, he’ll evaluate your treatment goals to determine the technique that is best-suited for your needs. With any technique, he performs rhinoplasty surgery with the goal of producing optimal results, minimal scarring and a comfortable recovery period. To learn more or get started with your treatment, contact us today.