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Nose Anatomy: Your Guide to Nose Aesthetics and Beauty

The Rhinoplasty Clinic in Philadelphia, PAUnderstanding the anatomy of the nose is an important part of enhancing the aesthetics of the nose. If you’re interested in pursuing a rhinoplasty to address various aspects of the nose, reviewing the nose anatomy can give you a better understanding of what you want to accomplish with the procedure. Below, we’ll review the basics of nose anatomy and consider how a rhinoplasty can enhance these qualities for cosmetic purposes.

The External Nose Anatomy

The external nose anatomy refers to the components of the nose that are visible from the outside. These are the qualities of the nose that you and others will see, and they differ from the anatomy inside the nose.

  • The tip of the nose
    • The tip of the nose is fairly self-explanatory. It is at the end of the nose.
  • The dorsum
    • The dorsum is often called the bridge of the nose. It is the length of the nose that runs from between the eyes to the tip of the nose.
  • The columella
    • The columella is the tissue that separates the nostrils.
  • The alae
    • The alae are the outer sides of the nostrils, on either side of the nose.

The Internal Nose Anatomy

The internal nose anatomy refers to the underlying components of the nose. These aren’t visible from the skin’s surface, but they still play an integral role in the overall appearance of the nose.

  • Nasal bone
    • The nasal bone is located beneath the dorsum, or the bridge, of the nose. This bone is responsible for the projection and overall shape of the nose. However, most of the nose’s shape is made up of cartilage.
  • Cartilage
    • Cartilage is the soft tissue that makes up the alae, the columella and the other areas of the nose not made up of bone. Cartilage is easily manipulated in cosmetic procedures.
  • Septum
    • The septum is a wall of tissue that separates the nasal cavities. It can affect breathing ability and the shape of the nostrils.

How a Rhinoplasty Can Enhance Nose Anatomy for Aesthetics

After identifying the different components of nose anatomy, we can understand how a rhinoplasty can be used to enhance the appearance of the nose. During rhinoplasty, the nasal bone can be shaved down to optimize the overall appearance. This is primarily done to adjust the dorsum or bridge of the nose, and can result in a nose that is narrower or protrudes less from the face. Most other changes will require manipulating the cartilage. We can remove, transfer or reshape cartilage in the nose to enhance the shape and size of the tip of the nose. If a patient is suffering from a deviated septum, that can also be corrected to enhance breathing ability and the appearance of the nose.


The anatomy of the nose is both accessible and easily manipulated, making rhinoplasty a simple and effective procedure for enhancing the nose and the overall appearance. To learn more about the rhinoplasty procedure or determine if you are a good candidate for treatment, contact us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Ginsburg of Providence Facial Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery.