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Getting in Shape Before Surgery in Glen Mills, PA

Plastic Surgery in Philadelphia, PAYou may wonder what getting in shape has to do with having plastic surgery on your face or body. If that’s the case, then you may not yet realize what a big role your overall health plays in the ultimate success of your surgery.

Medical History

Your surgeon will first want a complete medical history. This gives him a good picture of your overall health and allows him to look for particular issues that may pose a risk to you for undergoing surgery of any sort. Things like high blood pressure, recurring infections, allergies, diabetes…all these can have a dramatic impact on how the doctor chooses to proceed with the surgical plans.

In most cases, the surgeon will not stop with just your medical history, but will also want to know more about the health background of your family as well. Obesity, a family history of cancer or blood-clotting issues, these can also influence decisions being made about your upcoming plastic surgery.

Supplements and Medications

Some plastic surgeries will require general anesthesia, and there are certain medicines and supplements that can interact and interfere with the anesthesia.

For this reason, it’s important to provide your surgeon with a complete list of everything you currently take or have recently stopped taking. This can include hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) meds, oral contraceptives or even a simple aspirin regimen.

Some wellness or dietary supplements may also need to be stopped prior to surgery, as some of them can thin your blood and interfere with clotting. You may find it surprising to learn that the list even includes some popular, therapeutic, nature-based products like gingko biloba and ginger.

Lifestyle Changes

Most doctors will recommend you start making some healthier lifestyle choices before you undergo surgery. This will include eating nutritious food and being active. Any current physical health problems will also need to be resolved. In fact, many surgeons will not even operate on someone with just a bad head-cold!

If you smoke, you will likely be asked to stop smoking for a period of time before the surgery, because smoking brings with it a number of additional risk factors. This applies to any product that contains nicotine, as nicotine restricts the blood vessels which affects circulation.

Plastic surgery shouldn’t be perceived as a quick fix for things you’re capable of doing on your own. The healthier you are before you undergo your plastic surgery, the better your results will be and you’ll have a quicker, more successful recovery.

Depending on the surgery you’re considering, starting an exercise program may even reduce the amount of work you need to have done. Many doctors want to see you at or close to your ideal weight before getting plastic surgery, often requesting a BMI of 30 or less.

Final Thoughts

If you think about it, it makes sense. You prepare for most major events in life. Losing weight for a wedding, reunion or summer vacation. Studying for an exam. Dressing sharply for a job interview. Why should surgery be any different? You want to go into it with as much in your favor as possible. Getting in shape before surgery goes a long way in helping you achieve that goal.

We want to help you have the face and body you envision. Take the first step and contact us today to schedule your complimentary consultation.