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Eliminating Under-Eye Bags With Lower Eyelid Surgery

Bags underneath the eyes are a stereotypical sign of tiredness. Seeing wrinkled or puffy skin beneath a person’s eyes can cause others to draw unfair and inaccurate conclusions about the individual’s age, mood or even physical health. However, in many instances, bags under the eyes are a genetic issue or a result of basic aging. Although baggy eyes may seem unavoidable, selecting the appropriate treatment at our facial plastic surgery center in the Philadelphia area can present an effective, practical and long-term solution.

Lower eyelid surgery can help patients obtain tighter, smoother and younger-looking under-eye skin that makes them look more energetic and vibrant. Whether it’s used on its own or alongside other treatments, lower eyelid surgery is an effective and safe method for revitalizing your appearance. If you think that such a treatment would benefit you, you should consider the following:

What Causes Under-eye Bags?

Under-eye bags are, in many cases, a temporary physiological reaction to sleep deprivation, allergies, diet issues or numerous other factors. In most of these situations, individuals don’t give their bodies the time or resources necessary to support proper fluid circulation. This causes subcutaneous water retention, which most often makes itself noticeable under the eyes. Because they’re temporary, under-eye bags caused by these issues cannot be addressed with lower eyelid surgery.

However, under-eye bags that are a result of aging can be treated with the surgery. As people become older, skin naturally loses its elasticity, and collagen and fat become separated from muscle tissue. This leads to droopy-looking eyes that may also be puffy. This commonly occurs in older men and women, but some individuals will be effected due to genetic influences. Unfortunately, under-eye aging can make you look fatigued even when you’re well rested, and it can cause you to appear older than your actual age. Lower eyelid surgery is a suitable option for many people looking to minimize this effect on their looks.

How Can Eyelid Surgery Help?

The goal of eyelid surgery is to eliminate unwanted skin and fat beneath and above the contours of the eyes, and in some cases, it also involves tightening of the muscle tissue. Removing excess tissue and tightening the skin that is left can often help keep patients from appearing tired and old around their eye region. Lower eyelid surgery is especially helpful for minimizing age-induced puffing and sagging underneath the eyes. After a quick and safe recovery, you may notice results right away, allowing you to return to work within one to two weeks while feeling confident.

How Long Do the Results Last?

Eyelid surgery provides results that can last for several years. Because tissue is removed directly from the area, and the eyelids are left rejuvenated and redefined, patients don’t need to be concerned with their results fading in the near future. Indeed, it’s very common for patients to enjoy their results for around 10 years before the benefits begin fading. While all patients have their unique goals, it’s essential to be aware that no surgery is capable of halting the natural aging process. Because of this, the results of your surgery will most likely fade over time depending on your unique genetics and situation.

Candidates for Lower Eyelid Surgery

Patients who struggle with persistent bags underneath their eyes from normal aging are typically ideal lower eyelid surgery candidates. As long as the changes they want are purely aesthetic, and the effects aren’t from an underlying health problem, facial plastic surgery provides an effective method for achieving a younger, healthier look.

As with all surgeries, in order to qualify for eyelid surgery, patients must be in good overall health. Ailments that can hinder your ability to heal properly, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes or liver disease, can increase certain risks during and after surgery. Smokers tend to have a slightly suppressed immune system, so we recommend that if you smoke, you abstain from doing so for the several weeks prior to and following your surgery. Certain eye problems, such as glaucoma, infection or chronic severe dry-eye can also disqualify you from eyelid surgery.

To learn whether you’re an ideal candidate for eyelid surgery, please contact Dr. Mark Ginsburg to schedule your private consultation. He will help you make the most informed decision possible by establishing your goals and understanding the precise issues that could impact your results.