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Am I a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty Surgery in Philadelphia?

Rhinoplasty in Philadelphia, PARhinoplasty, more commonly known as a nose job is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures today. It is often used for patients who feel uncomfortable with the size or contour of their nose in proportion to the rest of their face. It can also be used to reconstruct the noses for patients who are having trouble with the shape of their nostrils and how they think this affects their breathing. But just what does it entail and is this really the right procedure for you?

Dr. Ginsburg will meet with you during your initial consultation to listen to your concerns and reasons for choosing this particular procedure. He will use computer imaging and morphing technology to help create the perfect model based on your wants and needs and the proportions of your face to make the best options for you.

Nose remodeling is achieved through a mix of cartilage and bone sculpting under general anesthesia for an outpatient procedure. Our office is experienced in both first time procedures and revisions for those patients who maybe aren’t so pleased with another practice they visited.

Rhinoplasty Recovery

Recovery usually takes place over the next one to two weeks and each patient will be provided with a set of post-procedure care instructions specific to them. You will begin to see your results after that time period which is used to give the newly constructed nose time to adjust and heal.

Rhinoplasty Goals

The primary goal of rhinoplasty is to restore breathing for patients who are otherwise having trouble with it due to issues in their natural structure. However, if you feel like your nose is not proportional to your face and often find yourself feeling overwhelmed by how self-conscious it makes you, this procedure could be right for you. No one wants to think that the world around them is focused on only one part of their face and our office wants to help you achieve the best version of yourself and improve your overall self-confidence in the outside world.

If you relate to any of this, then contact one of our Philadelphia offices to schedule your free first consultation with Dr. Ginsburg today. We are looking forward to meeting you.