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Summer Skin Care Report in Glen Mills, PA

Skin Care Products in Philadelphia, PAYour skin is vitally important to your overall wellbeing. It’s the body’s first line of defense against unwanted invaders. When the health or integrity of your skin is compromised, it can potentially affect your entire body.

Many people don’t realize the impact the seasons can have on our skin. As the weather changes from one season to another, the skincare routine you follow should reflect those changes, with only a few exceptions that never change.

Year-Round Skin Care

There are a couple of areas that need attention all year long, regardless of the season. No matter what time of year it is, your skin always needs protection from the sun, so sunscreen is a year-round product you should be using whenever you spend extended time outdoors, even on overcast days.

Because your skin is so important, it makes sense to invest in a high-quality product designed to provide the best protection possible, like the broad spectrum sun shield with an SPF of 50 offered by Obagi® skin care products. Protection from the sun should be practiced all year, but especially during the summer, when we get tend to get more prolonged sun exposure.

You also need to make sure you moisturize your skin every day. It’s important to make sure your skin is properly hydrated and moisturized from the inside as well as the outside. Drink plenty of water, use alcohol-free moisturizers and moisturize your entire body, from head to toe. Be sure the one you use on your face is specifically designated as a facial moisturizer.

You should also exfoliate on a regular basis throughout the year. Eliminating the accumulation of dead cells and other debris on the surface of the skin helps maintain that healthy glow associated with fresh, young-looking skin.

Summer Skin Care

In the summer, your skin may experience situations that don’t typically occur in other seasons. In the summertime, you’re more likely to spend more time outdoors. This means more time in the sun than the rest of the year.

Summertime, for many people, can also mean more time spent in or on the water. Pool parties, water skiing, outings on the lake or river, all these activities are great fun but can contribute to skin issues without proper protection, both before and after.

Again, Obagi® has a full line of prescription-strength products, specifically designed to help you protect and take care of your skin. Because they’re only sold through doctor’s offices and through specifically selected international partners, you can be sure you’re getting the real deal and not some knock-off wannabe.

One of the areas to pay particular attention to is around your eyes. The skin there is far more delicate than the rest of the face and requires a different formulation than your normal facial moisturizer.

Obagi® offers an eye cream with ingredients that have been clinically tested and proven to work. ELASTIderm® is a creamy, rich eye cream containing a proprietary formula that actually works to tighten and smooth the thinner, more delicate skin surrounding the eyes. It restores lost volume and gently removes dead layers, revealing a youthful glow to your eye area.

To learn more about the benefits of the Obagi® skincare line of exceptional products, contact us and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.